Tips as a good graphic designer

Graphic Design is a creative world that changes every day in accordance with market trends, for those of us who work as graphic designers it is very necessary to improve the capabilities that we have.

The following are some tips that must be done by a graphic designer to strengthen creativity and become a good graphic designer. As reported on the website, in his experience;

1. Become a Collector

If we want to improve our abilities as graphic designers, we must be sensitive to our surroundings. If on the road we see an inspiring design, take it home. Gather brochures or posters that we have into the file. So, when we get stuck, we can open files to look for inspiration.

2. Buy a Design Book

Well, this is one of the most important things. It's true that books are a window to the world. Not only collecting brochures or posters, we also have to collect books about design. To add to the reference, we should get used to reading books related to design, at least once a month

3. Read the Blog

Today, not only books can add to our horizons, the web or blog of people we don't know can be a good source of information. Don't be shy to learn from people. Read their blog relating to design and suck up all the information. Read this CorelDRAW Learning Blog too

4. Create a Blog Design

Have you read people's blogs? Now it's time for us to create our own design blog. Besides making us more analytical at work, that's where others see our portfolio. Could it not, a company is interested in our work?

5. Join the Design Community

If we are freelance graphic designers, it's an absolute price to join the design community. We will always be updated in the world of design, good for feedback and criticism, and do not rule out not if we get work information? Wkwkwkkk ...

6. Take a photo!

Not necessarily with a good camera, we can also use a cellphone camera to simply photograph inspiring objects. Like buildings, textures, or even shadows. Greatly add to our reference the Designer!

7. Create a Fake Project

To add a portfolio, we create fake projects such as creating fake brands for a company. Creating a logo, brochure, or website design will certainly make our creativity work without limitations.

8. Re-design the Work of Others

Don't want to create a fake brand for design? We try to redesign other people's projects. With this we can evaluate their mistakes and what we can do to make them look better.

9. Re-design Our Old Work

As bad as the work that we make, it should never be deleted. Because one day, we may be going to re-create an old design that we consider bad. From there we will learn and realize how little knowledge or the many mistakes of old designs we make. No need to be ashamed of having a work that we think is bad, because that's where we will learn and if we can redesign it better, it means that our abilities are proven to increase.

10. Follow the Seminar

In addition to learning from other people's books or blogs, it is advisable to occasionally attend a seminar on design. We will definitely learn one or two new lessons from the seminar.

11. Socialize with Other Graphic Designers

It is not enough to join the design community, by attending seminars as previously stated, relations will inevitably increase. We will definitely meet with other graphic designers. We try to get to know each other and exchange social media that we have. Having a wide network will certainly improve the skills we have.

12. Take a Design Class

Many local universities allow us to take classes without full time study which will lead to becoming a professional designer who is ready to work.

13. Other Graphic Designer Interviews

After getting in contact with other graphic designers, interview them indirectly. Chat with people we meet. We will definitely get an amazing experience.

14. Travel

If we have the funds and time, take a trip out of town or even abroad. You will discover new things and learn a lot from your journey. You will see new cultures and new works of art. That will open your mind to the outside world. Wow!

15. Learning new things

Being a good graphic designer is not easy. Lots of work to do and don't stop learning! By continuing to learn and learn new things, unwittingly our abilities will continue to increase.

16. Get a Sketch Book

Sketchbooks will help us work through ideas quickly and without the limitations of design software. And of course, with sketchbooks we can draw

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